A degree is forever. HWC is committed to forging higher education opportunities.
Why College?
In addition to raising a person's wages over the course of a lifetime, a college education broadens the scope of career choices after graduation.

Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC)
Arizona Scholarships
CPLC's provides programs aimed to ensure equal access to healthcare, education, affordable housing, meaningful work and political representation. Their scholarships are primarily focused on students attending Arizona State University, University of Arizona, and a number of community colleges within the Maricopa area.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund
Scholarship and Education Services
HSF is a national organization that provides numerous resources and support needed for completion of higher education. They provide their scholars career services, mentorship, leadership development, knowledge building, and wellness training. The application deadline is February of each year. Scholarships will be awarded in December.

Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Scholarship and Development
HACU provides currently enrolled students in the United States various scholarship and grant opportunities throughout the year. In addition their programs are actively advocating for Hispanics through programs within leadership, STEM, and environmental sustainability.

Unidos US
Education Programs
National program that is involved with a wide range of issues related to Hispanic-Americans including civil rights, economics, education, immigration, health and voting. Find their local affiliates here.